Spin finish oil (OPU) test Process

The spin finish oil is a molecular layer applied to the surfaces of fibers to improve anti-static properties and induce inter-adhesion between filaments. It is a major parameter of yarn quality. The spin finish oil content has a minimum level and a maximum level. Iranian National Standard No. 925 proposes a spin finish oil content range of 0.7–1.3% for FDY yarn.

Spin finish oil Content (OPU) Test

Three yarn samples of a certain weight (≈2 g) are weighed on a digital scale with a precision of 0.001 g before they are placed in the test machine. Then, 10 cc of ethanol is added to each sample using a gauged pit, letting the oil on the yarn be dissolved in the ethanol. The oil-containing solvent is then drained using a pushing rod and poured onto a weighed small aluminum container that is being heated. This heat is adjustable and causes the solvent to evaporate with only the oil remaining in the container ultimately. This process is re-performed using two more rounds of ethanol, and the oil-containing container is weighed after it has cooled down. The yarn sample is dried in an oven. The spin finish oil content can be determined using the oil weight and dry yarn weight.


  • ASTM D2257 under National Iranian Standard No. 925 for the spin finish oil content of FDY yarn
  • The Iranian National Standard proposes a spin finish oil content range of 0.25–1.0% for POY and 1–3% for DTY yarn.


  • An oil extractor with an efficient solvent for oil extraction, a digital scale with a precision of 0.1 mg, and an oven with a desiccator to dry yarn samples are employed to measure the spin finish oil content of yarns.

Solvents used on this test:

Alcohols and halogenated hydrocarbons are used as solvents:

  • Chloroform
  • Chloroform tetrachloromethane or ethanol